Trinity University Network Credentials

Trinity University provides all active students, faculty, and staff with unique access to our network and services,  available with your Trinity University Network Credentials. 

This account is referred to in a few different ways, including: 


  • Trinity Credentials

  • TU Credentials

  • Network Credentials

  • TU Network


These user accounts aim to confirm a person's identity so they can access limited-access Trinity resources, like Tmail, TUSecure wifi, lab computers, workstation computers, network storage drives, or library databases. 


ITS aims to simplify access to resources by allowing users to use the same username and password for various services while simultaneously protecting those resources from unauthorized access. Due to this, we have specific password requirements for these accounts. If you would like to learn more about our password requirements, please click here.

     New Students

    New Employees

    Register for Self-Service Password Reset

    Changing Your TU Network Password

    How to get  help



New Students 

After submitting your enrollment deposit, you will receive a checklist in your admissions portal. The expected date for receiving your temporary credentials for both T-Mail and Trinity University Network accounts will be on this checklist. You will receive these credentials within the admissions portal.



New Employees 

After receiving your Trinity ID number from Human Resources, ITS will create your T-Mail and Trinity Network accounts. ITS will send your account information directly to your department administrative assistant. 



Register for Self-Service Password Reset 

If you want access to reset your Trinity Network password, visit, and Register (Self-Service)



Changing Your TU Network Password

If you registered in Trinity Password Reset, you could reset your password anytime by answering the 3 security questions you submitted during enrollment. If you forget your password or have trouble with it and do not enroll, please contact ITS at x7409. ITS can reset passwords remotely but cannot look up your current password for your security.


  1. Go to Trinity Password Reset.

  2. Register if you have not already done so. This will allow you to reset your password if you forget it. 

  3. Select the Change [password] link. 

  4. Enter your username, then your old password in the Old Password box, and the new password in both the New Password and Confirm New Password boxes. Both the new password and confirmed password must match exactly. 

  5. The computer will confirm the change has taken place. 



How to get help

If you need help accessing these two accounts for the first time or want to check on the status, please contact ITS  by emailing or calling 210.999.7409.




Service ID: 12498
Thu 3/3/16 3:38 PM
Tue 6/4/24 12:03 AM