Trinity University’s Information Technology Services (ITS) provides technical support to all faculty, staff, and students of Trinity University. ITS is dedicated to supporting the technology needs of all users by providing general information on common technical issues and excellent customer service.
Request Help
How to get updates on incidents and service requests
Common Supported Issues
Non-Supported Issues
Priority Level & Response Time
To get assistance from Information Technology Services (ITS) visit one of our 2 conveniently located ITS Service Desk locations:
- Coates Library 1st Floor
- Coates Library 3rd Floor
You can also get in touch by email or phone:
Email us at
Call us at 210.999.7409 (x7409)
Please provide the following information to provide the best and most expeditious service:
Complete contact information (Phone number and E-mail).
Device or application in which you are experiencing the issue.
A concise description of the issue or request, including any error messages.

If you do not receive an automated response, call 210-999-7409.
ITS replies to the ticket via Kace, which alerts the client via email, or ITS contacts the client via phone, chat, email, etc. using the information provided by the client.
Explore our ITS Service Catalog and our Knowledge-base (KB) articles.
Outages: ITS system outages, network/wifi outages, or error messages (Faculty, staff, and students)
Workstation issues: Issues with Trinity-owned computers, tablets, or phones (faculty and staff only)
Classroom technology Issues: issues with standard classroom technology equipment or equipment you have checked out from ITS.
Lab issues: issues with computer lab equipment (faculty, staff, and students)
Special AV Requests: processed through T-Space
Student Computer Support includes:
- Trinity Owned Software Installation and Troubleshooting
- Virus/Malware Removal
- Wifi Setup on phones and computers
ITS does not support faculty, students, and staff hardware on their personal devices. We highly recommend that faculty, staff, and students use the warranty for hardware support on their personal devices or use independent computer repair businesses
The general campus community and Information Technology Services agreement allows users to understand our commitment to providing support related to the services outlined in this ITS Service Catalog. ITS uses the priority/impact matrix below to prioritize all requests. Our operating hours, available on the homepage of this service catalog, will impact our response and resolution time.
Response Time
Resolution Time
Many people cannot work.
15 Minutes
Until Resolved
Many people are inconvenienced, work can still be performed.
1 Hour
8 Hours
One person cannot work.
2 Hours
16 Hours
One person is inconvenienced.
4 Hours
24 Hours