Class Climate is an evaluation tool developed by Scantron. As configured, this on-premise platform allows Trinity to conduct voluntary and anonymous course and instructor evaluations after each semester.
How to login
Tutorials, Tips, and Tricks
How to get help
Trinity Staff.
Class Climate is a web-based service accessible at any time from any device.
Go to Class Climate.
Enter your Department Credentials and click on OK.

Click here to view the Class Climate user guide.
Who do I contact for an extension or an early evaluation?
Academic Affairs:
If an early evaluation is approved, you can add your course manually, and AA will coordinate with ITS to prevent duplicates.
You will need to run your instructor reports manually if your extension extends beyond when grades are due.
Who do I contact if the course is not listed in Colleague, is listed incorrectly, or has extra or missing instructors?
Who do I contact if I’m unsure of which available options to choose from?
How do I log in?
What do I do about this error message?
When will courses be uploaded?
How do I add a missing course?
How do I add a missing instructor?
How can I edit a course and/or add passwords?
See the documentation, slides 21-27
Note the extra steps for adding paper passwords.
If reducing the enrollment, all paper passwords are valid until the cap is reached.
How do I generate surveys?
See the documentation, slides 9-11
Choose “PSWD based” or “Single password-based” per the instructor’s preference.
How do I share passwords?
Why did an instructor not receive survey results?
Check to ensure surveys were generated for this course section.
Check to see if any surveys were completed. If the course shows a Status of “In Progress” and the # of Forms shows “000 --%,” then there are no results to share.
When can I run the Chair’s report?
How do I run the Chair’s report?
See the documentation, slides 17-19
Ensure you uncheck “Hide surveys with documents that have already been sent.”
Why do I not see any surveys when trying to run the Chair’s report?
For extensions and early evaluations, email:
For issues with using the interface, email: