Most departments on campus have at least one wired printer connected to the Trinity Internet network for Trinity faculty and staff use. Please note that many different models are in use, so ITS cannot offer troubleshooting support for every printer on campus. Wireless printing is only supported on printers that are connected via Ethernet to our network. Most printer manufacturers don't support connecting printers to the wireless network using your user name.
Connecting to a network printer - Windows
Connecting to a network printer - Mac
How to get help
How to get help with MFP printers
Trinity Faculty and Staff.
Type printers into the search bar located on the bottom left side of your desktop in the taskbar, and press the Enter key.

From the Printers & scanners window, Click on Add a device

After Clicking on Add Device, Select the Printer that you need to print from

Please contact ITS for assistance.
If you have questions about an office printer, please contact the ITS Service Desk at or x7409.
ITS does not support MFP Printers. If you need assistance with an MFP printer, please contact the DOCUmation help desk at 1-855-396-9302 or visit their on-site team member Mike Yanas,, Library 1st floor (former Ricoh print shop).
For more information about MFP printers, visit the Managed Print Services website.