Overview | Timeline | Project Team | FAQ | Training | Contact
We are excited to introduce Zoom Phones as our new phone service this summer. This service will enhance our existing Zoom Workplace platform by adding a softphone option with new and exciting features.
Zoom phone features include-
Accessing your phone service account from anywhere with a portable device
Displaying your Trinity number on outgoing calls when using your personal device
A phoneless experience, no physical phone required!
The Zoom phone transition will take place in phases; the first phase of the porting will happen on January 7, 2025.

Project Team
Ben Lim, Project Sponsor
Leigh Hill, Project Manager
Gerno Reinard, Technical Lead
Madeline Kotara, Technical SME
Hector Araujo, Technical SME
Martha Moreno, Organizational Change Manager
What is changing?
Zoom will replace our current phone service provider. This change to Zoom phones will introduce access to a softphone, which would be available through the Zoom Workplace app. The current phone functionality will be transferred to the new phones.
Who is the change affecting, and how?
Everyone who currently uses a Trinity phone will go through a transition to Zoom phones. Staff will transition to Zoom in the summer, and faculty will transition in the fall.
The transition to Zoom phones will also give you the opportunity to personalize your phone experience. You have the option to continue using the traditional desktop phone or explore the flexibility of a softphone option. If you choose to keep your existing desktop phone, your setup will remain unchanged. If you choose the softphone option, ITS will provide you with a new headset and training on your new setup.
How do I access my softphone?
Softphones will be available through the Zoom Workplace app as an added feature. To access the softphones, you will have to login into the Zoom Workplace App and authenticate with DUO.
What are the benefits of having a softphone?
Accessing your phone service account from anywhere with a portable device
Displaying your Trinity number on outgoing calls when using your personal device
A phoneless experience, no physical phone required!
Turn your phone calls to a Zoom video meeting
If I choose a softphone and do not have a great experience, can I request a desktop phone?
If I have a general-use office phone for my department, will I have to select a phone preference for these?
No, you should provide your response only for your individual phone; all other lab, general use, etc. phones will be updated with a new desktop phone.
Does the Zoom Workplace app need to be opened to receive phone calls?
Yes, the Zoom Workplace app needs to be opened in order to receive phone calls. Please ensure you are logging in to the Zoom Workplace app by clicking on SSO and typing Trinity for the company domain.

Tip: You can set the Zoom Workplace app to run automatically at start-up.
If we lose Internet connection, will the phones stop working?
Yes, Zoom Phones, as well as our current phones, are VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Phones. Therefore, they will not work unless the Internet is available.
When will my phone be transferred to Zoom Phones?
We will send an email with this information as we get closer to the date.
Sign In & Configuration
Using Zoom Phone (Desktop Client)
Zoom Mobile App
Resources & Support
Quick Reference Guide
- How to make a call
- How to transfer a call
- How to elevate a call to a meeting
- How to check your voicemail
- How to change your voicemail greeting
Zoom Phone Training Video
Call Delegations
Auto Receptionist for department main lines
Common Area Phones
How to forward a phone number
In the Zoom Workplace App
1. Click on your profile on the top right of the screen and select Forward Calls.

2. Set up the call forwarding on the following screen.

How to access your Voicemail PIN: Go to https://trinity.zoom.us/, and click the Phone tab on the left. Scroll down to Desk Phone and you will see the PIN Code at the bottom of that section.

For questions or concerns, please contact zoomphones@trinity.edu