Automatic file placement when downloading a file (i.e., PowerPoint, Word, etc.)

Browser settings for automatic file placement when downloading a file (i.e., PowerPoint, Word, etc.) from Canvas or any application online

To avoid the extra step of selecting where to save on the computer, which could cause delays when setting up to teach your class, try these easy steps within the Firefox or Google Chrome browser to avoid delays: 


Firefox Internet Browser

  • Select the Hamburger or Three Lines Icon

  • Select Settings

  • Within the General tab, scroll down to Files and Applications

    • By deselecting Always ask you where to save files, you can avoid the delay of having to save it to a certain location every time you download from applications online. 

    • You can assign where you would like files to be saved in the area that reads Save files so that it is done automatically. 



Google Chrome

  • Select the Ellipsis or Three Dot icon

  • Select Settings

  • Select Downloads on the left side panel

  • Deselect Ask where to save each file before downloading to avoid the delay of having to save it to a certain location every time you download from applications online. 

    • You can assign where you would like files to be saved within Location so that it is done automatically. 

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Article ID: 157780
Thu 9/7/23 9:34 AM
Thu 9/7/23 11:10 AM