Google Workspace FAQs

Tags email

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Frequently Asked Questions 

How to use Mail Merge in Gmail? Answer.


How to manage Google Groups? Answer


Is my Tmail account secure and private?

ITS is dedicated to keeping your data protected, private, and secure. Google also maintains a strict privacy policy that can be found at their Security and privacy policies site. Trinity University and Google abide by the regulations of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) in order to protect users' privacy.

Breaches that compromise a user's data are often the direct result of phishing attacks or weak passwords. Here are some things to remember in order to protect yourself and your data:

You should always select a strong password for your accounts. It is also recommended you use different passwords for the other accounts in your life (i.e. online banking, Facebook, personal email account, etc.). If one account is accessed illegally or without your knowledge, this will decrease the chances that the others will be compromised as well.

Please understand that it is not the practice of Trinity University to ask students, faculty, or staff to provide personal information over email. If you receive an email from any source requesting your personal login information, account numbers, passwords, or other personal information, please contact the alleged source directly using a contact number you already have instead of any contained in the email. You should never respond to or open a link in an email unless you are absolutely certain of the source.

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Mon 7/25/16 2:46 PM
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