Signing Documents Via Adobe Sign/Adobe Acrobat

For use of Adobe Sign, the person you’re sending to does NOT need Acrobat or Reader installed themselves. They will be able to sign entirely online.  Please keep in mind that every form sent for a signature through Adobe Sign costs $1.75 and that in many cases, requesting a signature on a document via email or Google Drive and signing a document on Adobe Acrobat without using the Send for the Signature feature will work and is of no cost.  If you need access to Adobe Sign and do not believe you have it, please contact the ITS Service Deskfor access. 


  1. Open PDF. On the right-hand side tools panel, select “Adobe Sign” (you may see “Send for Signature” - this is the same option).

  2. Enter recipient email address under “To” and press “Enter” or “Return” after each email address.

  3. Fill out the message field and subject line. Once filled out, press “Continue”.

  4. Adobe will bring up the PDF document again. You can make edits before sending by double-clicking any field. You can assign specific fields to specific recipients here also.

  5. You can now click “Send”.

    • You may get a message saying you have not assigned a field. You can ignore this if you wish to not assign.

Note: As each person signs you will get email updates. On the Adobe Acrobat Home tab shared section, you can click “For Signature” which will then prompt the application to open Adobe Sign. 


Article ID: 137070
Mon 3/14/22 2:51 PM
Mon 3/14/22 3:05 PM