M365 Login and Install Instructions

M365 Login

 Step 1: Navigate to Office.com on your favorite web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari).


 Step 2: Click on the Sign In button on the left side of the screen. 



Step 3: In the new screen enter your full Trinity email address and click Next


 Step 4: Next, enter your password and click Sign in

  • **This is the same password you would use to access Zoom, or TigerPAWS. This is not your Tmail password.
  • **If you have used Microsoft 365 (Office 365) in the past, you will no longer log in with the password you originally setup. You will log in using your Trinity email address and password as mentioned above.



Step 5: Next, you will have to authenticate your account with DUO. Choose, Send me a Push, or Enter a Passcode. 

For help logging in with DUO Check out this link. If you need assistance setting-up DUO check out this link.


Step 6: After approving through Duo Push or entering passcode, you will be taken to the Microsoft 365 homepage, also known as Office 365.


Step 7: From this homepage, you will be able to utilize the entire Microsoft 365 Suite online, as well as install or update your Microsoft applications such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint. For tutorials, helpful tips and tricks, and more, check out this article. 



Step 1: To download the suite, click on the Install Office button in the top right corner of the page and select Office 365 apps..


Step 2: Follow the instructions on the screen to install and Sign in.When done installing you can close pop up window.


Step 3: Once the installation has been completed, t sign in to M365 account, using your  TMail address followed by your network password and DUO MFA.



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Article ID: 132986
Fri 7/2/21 1:33 PM
Thu 6/6/24 11:23 AM

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